Base Vocabulary
  • 11 Jun 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

Base Vocabulary

  • Dark

Article summary

The custom vocabulary is created when the VuzixSpeechClient class is instantiated. The newly instantiated custom vocabulary inherits the platform base vocabulary, which is currently:

  • hello vuzix - Activates the listener

  • hello blade - Activates the listener

  • go left - Basic directional navigation

  • move left - Basic directional navigation

  • go right - Basic directional navigation

  • move right - Basic directional navigation

  • go up - Basic directional navigation

  • move up - Basic directional navigation

  • go down - Basic directional navigation

  • move down - Basic directional navigation

  • pick this - Activates the item that currently has focus

  • select this - Activates the item that currently has focus

  • confirm - Activates the item that currently has focus

  • okay - Activates the item that currently has focus

  • open - Activates the item that currently has focus

  • scroll down - Basic directional navigation

  • scroll left - Basic directional navigation

  • scroll right - Basic directional navigation

  • scroll up - Basic directional navigation

  • cancel - Navigates backward in the history stack

  • close - Navigates backward in the history stack

  • go back - Navigates backward in the history stack

  • done - Navigates backward in the history stack

  • go home - Triggers the Home action

  • quit - Triggers the Home action

  • exit - Triggers the Home action

  • stop - Stops the scrolling action

  • show menu - Brings up context menu for current UI screen

  • next - Advances to the next item in an ordered collection of items

  • previous - Goes backward by one item in an ordered collection of items

  • go forward - Navigates forward in the history stack

  • page up - Navigates up one page

  • page down - Navigates down one page

  • volume up - Increases volume by 5

  • volume down - Decreases volume by 5

  • speech settings - Opens Speech Settings menu

  • speech commands - Opens the current Speech Command list

  • command list - Opens the current Speech Command list

  • hey google - Opens Google Assistant*

  • hey alexa - Opens Alexa Assistant**

  • get assistant - Opens user selectable assistant***

  • start recording - Opens Camera app to the record function (to begin recording, use the 'Select This' or 'Pick This' command)

  • take a picture - Opens Camera app to the picture function (to take a picture, use the 'Select This' or 'Pick This' command)

  • view notifications - Opens the Notification Manager

  • open notifications - Opens the Notification Manager

  • clear notifications - Clears all Notifications

  • voice off - Stops the listener

*Requires Google Assistant BETA installed on the Blade

** Requires Amazon Alexa installed on the Blade

*** Requires an assistant to be installed on the Blade, user will need to choose preferred assistant on first attempt to use this command

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