Blade 2 OS Application Icon Tinting
  • 24 Jan 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Blade 2 OS Application Icon Tinting

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Article summary

Android applications have launcher icons. Standard launcher icons are compatible with the Vuzix Blade 2. However to provide a more consistency launcher, icons can be automatically tinted to match the display mode of the smart glasses.

The tinting feature will perform two functions when you register for it.

  1. It will TINT the Main Home Screen Icon.

  2. It will TINT the smaller launcher rail icon. It will also apply the tint dynamically base on focus state. In focus state will be tinted green. Out of focus state will be tinted white.

Below is an example of a standard launcher app icon for Vuzix Basics™ Video.

Standard Launcher App Icon

The image below shows a tinted Camera app launcher icon. Notice the icon is simple and easily identifiable on the home screen.

Also notice that with the tint feature enabled, the larger icon is white while the smaller icon on the launcher rail is green.

A Blade 2 application can be configured to tint launcher icons automatically.


Tinted Launcher App Icon

To enable auto-tinting of launcher icons on the main rail and in Settings > Device > Apps list , modify the main activity in the AndroidManifest.xml file. We only need to add two simple hooks to the Application Manifest to signal this change.

To add the hook:

  1. Open the AndroidManifest.xml (/manifest/).

  2. Find the top level application element and add the child meta-data element below.

  3. Find the MainActivity activity element, activity with the "android.intent.action.MAIN" intent and add a child meta-data element below.

<meta-data android:name="com.vuzix.icon.tint" android:value="true" />


App Tint Manifest change

Now we have an Application Theme that is easier to view and is more consistent.


  • Application Icon tint will only work properly if the app icon has layers that cannot be drawn on. If the Drawable/mipmap/icon is fully drawable (no layer) the tint application might not work as desired.

  • This is not required. This is a benefit that developers can use if desired.

Congratulations! You now have a fully functional Blade 2 sample app.

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