Managing Subscription Apps
  • 19 Dec 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Managing Subscription Apps

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Article summary

Using the Vuzix App Store subscription service

When listing an app on the Vuzix App Store, you have the option to take advantage of the Vuzix App Store’s billing system in order to collect one-time or recurring payments for use of the app.

To configure the app listing as a paid app, simply click “Paid” under the App Monetization Options in your app listing and select one of the Vuzix Billing options.

If you plan to set up a subscription plan for your app, a secret key will be generated and become available in the App Details view after submitting the app listing.

This key needs to be provided with every call to the Licensing API. Keep this key secret. If it is ever compromised, just generate a new one using the “Generate New” button as seen above. (After generating, your app will need to be updated to use the new key.)

For information on the available classes for managing the subscription payment status, please refer to the Licensing Java Docs here: Vuzix Licensing Java Docs

To set up the subscription plan(s) to be associated with your app, navigate to the Subscription Plans page found under your app listing.

By clicking Add Subscription Plan you can configure the options (including price and renewal frequency) for each plan.

*Note: You may have multiple plans associated with one app. Each plan will be reviewed by the Vuzix team as part of the approval process.

Once the app has been submitted it will be processed by the Vuzix team to approve both the app and the subscription plan(s). After both are approved, all purchases will be processed through the Vuzix App Store and payments will be made out to you minus the app store fee of 30%.

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