Why is my Amazon Alexa Beta app not working?
  • 07 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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  • Dark

Why is my Amazon Alexa Beta app not working?

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Article summary

The Amazon Alexa app has now been officially certified by Amazon. As such, the Beta program has ended.

Please uninstall the Alexa Beta application and install the newly available production version of the Alexa application to take advantage of the full set of features available with Alexa on the Blade.

To uninstall, navigate to the Alexa Beta app listed in the Installed Apps tab of the Blade companion app. Select the gear icon and press uninstall.

Upon completion, you can install the production version of Amazon Alexa from the companion app for the Vuzix Blade!

If you encounter any issues or have further questions, please contact our Technical Support Team.

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